Official and administrative data

  • Ayud’Art seen by the French ambassador in Lima

Lettre de l'ambassadeur de France
(click to make it bigger)

  • The statutes of the charity

The statutes of the charity, first part.
The statutes of the charity, second part.

  • INSEE documents

Document INSEE
(click to make it bigger)

  • Publication in the official journal

Parution au journal officiel (page 1)

(click to make it bigger)


  • Ayud’Art financial statement

Financial statements 2006
Financial statements 2007
Financial statements 2008
Financial statements 2009
Financial statements 2010
Financial statements 2011
Financial statements 2012

  • Ayud’Art member of Lorsud

Ayud’Art is a member of Lorsud: the Lorraine Coordination of the International Solidarity Actors. Ayud’Art belongs to a steering committee of the world solidarity market organization.

For more informations:

Siren number: 449 102 557
Siret number: 449 102 557 00013
Taxes references: I5404 652179 3 
French prefecture references: 014609
Official references: Creation in 12/06/2001 Parution JO 12/22/2001 (Number 2144)